Thursday, September 15, 2016

How To Throw A Rave Party

Rave parties started as an underground dance and music party in London during the 1980's. You know those types where everybody is wearing make-up, different nose ring sizes, colorful outfits and dancing up and down.  Nowadays it is a mainstream activity that teenagers and young adults like to attend. Unlike other types of parties, rave parties usually involve dancing to electro dance music and drinking. There is very little eating at rave parties usually because people come to dance and enjoy the music and not eat. This is probably why it is easy to host a rave party.
Check out these tips if you’re thinking about hosting a rave party.

Choose a Venue
The first step to hosting a rave party is to choose a venue. How large it is depends on how many people you plan to invite. Rave parties are all about music drinking so you don’t need to worry about tables and chairs. What is important is having enough space for music, dance and a small bar. The venue can be your basement, living room or maybe you can rent a warehouse or party space.

Guest List
Your guest list is very important. It can be hard to keep gatecrashers away from your rave party, but making a list and inviting certain people can prevent your party from becoming out of control. Once you have drawn your guest list, you can send out physical invitations or an Evite. You can ask them to RSVP but it's best to estimate for more guests so that you can prepare drinks accordingly.
You can also make the invitations yourself. You can do this with construction paper and cut out the shape of glow sticks. You can use your imagination or go to Google for some inspiration.

Assemble CDs and sound system (if you have) for your rave party music. If you don’t know or don’t have copies of the music you can hire a DJ and just stand back and watch them do all the work. Since it is a rave party, make sure to tell the DJ not only to play the appropriate music but also to dress accordingly. Tell him to wear something funky and to accessorize like wearing nose piercing jewelry to complete his look.
If you can’t hire a DJ you can ask somebody knowledgeable with rave music to DJ for your party.

You also need to decorate your venue so that guests will feel the vibe and atmosphere of the event. Put up strobe lights and lava lamps around the venue. Rave parties are usually dark anyways so all you really need is some disco lighting and strobe lights and music to feel like a rave party. You can also put up streamers if you want to.

You also need to set up a table where guest can pick up favors like glow sticks, glow bracelets and necklaces. Make sure that the bar is also supplied with drinks such as water, soft drinks and alcohol. Supplies like paper cups and napkins should also be purchased beforehand and ready for the party. You can have somebody like a friend "bartend" the bar or it can be a self-service area.

Now that everything is ready, all you have to do is dress up and show up. Don’t forget to accessorize and if you don’t have a real septum piercing you can always put on a septum fake jewelry to complement your outfit. 

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